8.16. flashdb 模块 API 文档
8.16.1. API class KVDB(_flashdb.KVDB):
def get_blob(self,key,size):...
def set_by_fmt(self,key,v,fmt):...
def get_by_fmt(self,key,size,fmt):... class TSDB(_flashdb.TSDB):
def __init__(self,name:str,path:str,max_len:int=1024,user_data=None):...
def tsl_iter_by_time(self,from_time,to_time,callback:any,user_data:any)->int:... class TSL(_flashdb.TSL):
8.16.2. Examples flashdb_kvdb1.py
import flashdb
import struct
DB_PATH = "test/out/fdb_kvdb"
print('test boot_count increment 1')
boot_count = 0
boot_count_blob = struct.pack('i', boot_count)
boot_times = [0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
boot_time_tuple = tuple(boot_times)
boot_time_blob = struct.pack('@10Q', *boot_time_tuple)
default_kv = {
'username': 'armink', # string KV
'password': "123456", # string KV
'boot_count': boot_count_blob, # int type kv
'boot_time': boot_time_blob, # array type kv
# print(default_kv)
fdb = flashdb.KVDB("env", DB_PATH, default_kv, None)
res = fdb.get_blob("boot_count", len(boot_count_blob))
assert res is not None
boot_count = struct.unpack("i", res)[0]
boot_count = boot_count+1
boot_count_blob = struct.pack('i', boot_count)
fdb.set_blob("boot_count", boot_count_blob)
res = fdb.get_blob("boot_count", len(boot_count_blob))
assert res is not None
new_boot_count = struct.unpack("i", res)[0]
assert new_boot_count == boot_count
print('PASS') flashdb_kvdb2.py
import flashdb
import struct
DB_PATH = "test/out/fdb_kvdb"
print('test boot_count increment 2')
boot_count_blob = struct.pack(boot_count_fmt, boot_count)
boot_count_size = len(boot_count_blob)
boot_time = [0,1,2,3,0,0,0,0,0,0]
boot_time_tuple = tuple(boot_time)
boot_time_blob = struct.pack(boot_time_fmt, *boot_time_tuple)
'username': 'armink', # string KV
'password': "123456", # string KV
'boot_count': boot_count_blob, # int type kv
'boot_time': boot_time_blob, # array type kv
fdb = flashdb.KVDB("env", DB_PATH, default_kv, None)
kvdb = fdb
boot_count = fdb.get_by_fmt("boot_count", boot_count_size, boot_count_fmt)
assert boot_count is not None
print("==================== kvdb_basic_sample ====================")
print( "get the 'boot_count' value is %d" % boot_count)
boot_count = boot_count +1
res =fdb.set_by_fmt("boot_count", boot_count, boot_count_fmt)
new_boot_count = fdb.get_by_fmt("boot_count", boot_count_size, boot_count_fmt)
assert new_boot_count is not None
print( "get the 'boot_count' value is %d" % new_boot_count)
assert new_boot_count == boot_count
print('PASS') flashdb_tsdb1.py
import flashdb
import struct
import time
import os
DB_PATH = "test/out/fdb_tsdb"
tsdb = flashdb.TSDB("env", DB_PATH, max_len=512)
tic = time.time() * 1000
for i in range(10):
blob_i = struct.pack('i', i)
ret = tsdb.tsl_append(blob_i)
toc = time.time() * 1000
assert ret == 0
sum_by_time = 0
def callback(tsl, user_data) -> int:
global sum_by_time
# print(tsl.get_time(), tsl.to_blob())
t = tsl.get_time()
blob_i = tsl.to_blob()
i = struct.unpack('i', blob_i)[0]
print(t, i, user_data)
if user_data == 'user_data_by_time':
sum_by_time += i
return False # False: continue, True: stop
assert tsdb.tsl_iter(callback, 'user_data') == 0
assert tsdb.tsl_iter_reverse(callback, 'user_data_reverse') == 0
print('toc - tic', toc - tic)
assert tsdb.tsl_iter_by_time(tic, toc, callback, 'user_data_by_time') == 0
assert sum_by_time == 45